Saturday, December 06, 2003

bach from exams...

Wednesday, July 2, 2003
So the exams are over. It means that I had my last B.Sc. exams…. Rather sad because I had very good time studying with my friends… also it means that I step in a new era of life. Strange; I don’t feel I have changed! & the only thing I’m thinking of is the long summer holiday & God knows I deserve it. Although I haven’t been studying much but this last semester seems longer than any other one…. My; the very last exam (Food Storage) was pushing on the edge. The professor is a really good one, but when it comes to grades, he seems rather tightfisted. ;) I had other courses with him & to tell you the truth I’ve never got good marks! This exam was completely different. (Maybe because I know the way his questions are.) It was a very cool, easy exam. Actually I wonder why I knew every question’s answer! So I hope I would get an A or at least B+.
The next project in my life is Graduation Ceremony which is going to be held at September 4th. Most of the band members will be graduated the same day & well, we are in charge of the ceremony. (Actually I’m not in charge; but Ava is & also Mat & Mr. President are too. I would only be a helping hand if they need one.) The point is we really don’t know how this ceremony should be held…. I mean we’re looking for others opinion. Any body out there has any idea? Will you let me know how your graduation day was? At least it will give us a rough scheme to start…. Tell ya a secret? I missed writing & I miss you all. :)

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