Tuesday, July 25, 2006

There are

There are 2 type of things I should consider:
1- qiut my job. Lose the salary I have with no hope to get insurance money.
2- Do the job. Be humilated. Not be considered. &... But gian an almost-reasonable salary & have insurance.
which one you would choose?


Lynne said...

I dont really have a choice or rather the choice isnt so much keep the job or quit the job. You see, if I were to quit my job, I would have to sell my house and live with my parents where my mother would probably nag me to go get a job. By keeping the job, I get to live in my own house and be my own person and not have to answer to anybody. That is worth it. So I would and have made the choice to keep the job. But you might have different values and needs and your mother might not be the type to nag you about getting a job.

Twisted Lady said...

That is a tough question. I have been in that same position.

The smart thing to do, is find a way to improve things. Not always easy....

One thing for sure, life is too short to stay in an unhappy situation, no matter what!