Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Keeping in Touch with Friends

I had been reading dear Lynn's Blogs a few days ago & I came across with her post about keeping in touch with friends & since I cannot leave her comments (due to the fact that my internet supplier filter them), I thought I leave it here for her to see it & maybe share it with others.
I have a friend whom I haven't met since 4 years ago & haven't talk to since almost a year ago, still I consider her my friend.... Cos friendship to me is not about the time you spend with eachother, it's more about the way they stand up for you & the way you feel about them. I know that she will be here anytime I need her & visa versa if she goes (God forbid) into any trouble I would stand by her till the End. Friendship as Lynn had mentioned needs working on. You need to stay in touch & to give in order to maintain it, however. There is saying in Persian which goes: "One who is out of eyes (in not in sight), is out of hearts (is forgotten)." & that is true most of the times.
Yet there are times when I dont feel like being nice to my friends. There are times I wish to be left alone & I wish to abandon everyone & close up. A good friend will definitely understand my need for loneliness. They will understand that I need my own time to rearrange myself. & a while later I will go back & make it up to them.
On the other hand, sometimes spending time apart would enforce the friendship. It will let you consider the possible ways to improve the relationship & figure out the points that you could not see while inside the relationship.
Anyhow, Dear Lynn I'm gratefull that you keep in touch with me.
PS: El... if you ever get to read this post, I just want you know I still love you & You're always in my heart. Your Twin.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

You are the best, Proshat.

We have a similar saying in English. It is "Out of sight, out of mind" and there is some truth to that although like all generalizations, there are exceptions to the rule. There are people I have not spoken to in over twenty years who I think of often.

As for occasionally liking solitude, everyone does. My point in my blog was simply that too much solitude can lead to neglecting friendships. But, even so, most of my friends are thankfully very understanding


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