Friday, June 16, 2006

Being indifferent?

Ed you asked me why I was being indifferent to the whole situation going on in Iran. Why I did not mention anything about Women’s Right Demonstration where ladies have been beaten up by women! & why did I not react to the news that Government is going to classify minor religions over here? And why I act like ‘the only important matter you’re dealing with is the bastard over there at work’? you wanted to know if I had been there in the demonstration, if I consider the general atmosphere dangerous?
Yes! I had been there…. & yes I have seen my fellow-country-mates getting black & bruised. But what is the point of my writing? Over here is blog-land, where news is up-to-second there are hundreds of people (men & women) writing about it. I do appreciate their work of art as they enlighten the world about the situation we are in; however, there should be people like me who show the world the daily, uninteresting, tedious life.
Yes I had been there & I had witnessed the soldiers in that part of Tehran. I was not brave enough to join the demonstration but I had been there. And yes, I do participate in some NGOs regarding social matters, yet I do not live in fear on a daily basis.
What all these information does to Iranians outside Iran? They feel the ones down here are living in a hell, & they don’t have freedom to express themselves. That’s true to some extent, but you have to be here to understand the situation…. It’s not that dark here & we are not suffocating, At least not the ones who don’t want to!
I do face a lot of injustice everyday…. I’m looked down on cos I am woman. I see the needy trying to survive & I do find it hard sometimes to shut my mouth up on the racism against other religions than Islam. You are right! But could you tell me it’s different somewhere else?
Can you ensure me that if I immigrate to some idle place I would not face any of these injustice? Can you tell me that I would not be overlooked due to my religion, race or sex? Can I have the freedom to argue about the political policies of the government over there? Do you have the freedom to shout what you think of environment status, & if you do, does it make a difference?
I’m not being indifferent! No! I’m just trying to write my dairy here in world wide web. The daily life of someone who is not sophisticated enough to get caught up in the complicity of the world around her. People outside Iran need to see the routine life under the pressure. They need not to worry more than what they do now. I don’t want nice people like Alice worry themselves over us. We are still living… still fighting & still hopeful of a better life!

1 comment:

Lynne said...

I always appreciate your frank discussion of your daily life because often, that is what ends up being missing from people's views of those who live in other countries. And it is daily life and how people live it that makes people seem more human to others.

For instance, it is much harder to bomb another country when one really understands deep down that doing so will kill actual real PEOPLE who are the same as the people in one's own home. The world could do with more of you PRoshat. I think the world could be a more peaceful place if there were.