Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Driving in Tehran

If there would something I can't do over here is finding my way in streets of Tehran! I know some parts of the city too well but as for other parts well I don't think without a map I can find my way home!!!! (Some time even maps can't help!)
Now imagine me guiding by another naïve person over some UNKNOWN streets! Here goes the story: me & a friend (miss poetess if you remember) had to go to a funeral & her car was broke so we decided we would take my dad's instead! God know driving in Tehran is a difficult task, hectic traffic & all the rule breakings.... & just add the rain & you got a total mess! Anyway I picked her up & we started cruising... careful not to damage the car! An hour later the only place we couldn't locate was the place of funeral! Obviously we couldn't find it by our own so miss poetess called another friend to help....
The only thing he did was to confuse us even more! Guess what we crossed the same street 4 times before we could find a way out! At last we decided to go home leave the car & take taxi!
The taxi driver didn't know where the place was so again we were where we started… the place was no where to find! So I called another friend & guess what? The place name WAS WRONG! We had been looking for a masque that had been IN FORNT us all the time!

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