Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Executive Management...

I got admitted into the institue!
Can't Beleive it yet... I'm going to study once again!
That's wonderful... I just need to get through with my job, either that I continue or quit... I need to get things straihght at work.
But this is just palin nice.
It was only last night that I saw 2 of my friends off & i was so down & so sick I could not see any beauty around me.... I told Ava (U remember my friend right?) That I was at the bottom of the abbyss, & there would be only one way... UP!
& UP I go...!

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Congratulations! That is awesome. I am sure you will be an excellent executive manager. It makes me really happy to think that you might be one of the people running important things in the future. You go girl!