Monday, November 01, 2004

What's this with students & a sub teacher?

My CLC teacher had taken a day off & so another teacher was to attend the class on that day. & a few friends decided to ditch the class & you know the rest.
The funny part is that... the sub teacher is the supervisor of the institute & she had been the examiner in some of our friends' oral exam. (She had also been my teacher about 5 years ago)
One of the students told us in the last session that when Miss S. (as I'm going to call the sub teacher) was taking an oral exam & had asked him "What's your name?" he had answered "Ra...Ha..." although his name is "Rasa". He was telling us that he had even forgotten his name!
He was one of the classmates who ditched the class... I called after him "I am going to tell her that you are running away!" he turned around "don’t worry she thinks my names is Raha!"
Do I need to say more?

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