Thursday, April 29, 2004

Well, isn’t that strange I had not written anything in a month! I had been busy studying. There is going to be an exam in tow weeks & I really got down studying a little more.
Spring time is always busy for me. Over here in Iran, the New Year begins with spring & so the first month is totally hectic. You know we have this custom of visiting relatives during the first tow weeks (holidays) of the New Year & most people arrange to go on a vacation during this fortnight so this DID-VA-BAZDID (which means visiting relatives) always draws out through the first month of spring. Being blessed by having a large family (!) there are still some people I have to visit! Sometimes it turns to a torture when you are obliged to visit some far-relatives, but most of the time it’s fun.
This spring the weather has been unusually unpredictable. It had been sunny one minute & then it would rain cats & dogs. You never know what to wear when you are going out. What’s more ridiculous is the fact that you may wear a sweatshirt & it would suit the weather when you head out but when you’re heading back you might find the sun burning up & ….
Still spring is the most probable time to go out & have a picnic. We tend to spend our weekends over the mountains at my aunts mansion & there is this little spring over there I usually hang around it. You know it is located between the rocks & there is a rock, with very flat surface which is called SHAHNESHIN (dais rock), almost hanging over the foundation of the spring & wow there is a tree with branches stretched out hovering on the rock… it is the perfect place to read books & dream dreams of fairies & elves.
However my favorite spot is located at the far end of the mansion. There is a large throne (ARIKEH) set in a Persian style under the cherry trees. You know the kind you may have seen in movies with a carpet & cushions all over it & there are 2 love seats placed on both sides. & the set is located on a higher level (kind of on a larger step…) so you can reach up & have a cherry if you want. & most of the time it is isolated due to the fact that it is far from the spring so if I would need solitude I will walk up there & I will lay down & relax. There I am Scheherazade the storyteller queen & I write poems & all. Well a good friend of mine always teases me about being romantic about this special place. It’s typical of him to tell everyone I will accept anybody’s proposal over there!
Those tow place are really cool to hang out during the day but when the night falls down I rather stay close to the main building so I’d go sit on this large swing overlooking the veranda where everybody else stays. It is really comforting to hear the music of them talking….
Now… I just wanted you to know how it is like for me to spend my weekends in Iran getting away from the city I love for a day. It is really soothing to escape the busy everyday life & take a short trip although the car drive takes nearly 3 hours yet it worth it.

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