Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pursuit of Happiness

There had been times I dreamed of big things... I dreamed for my people to have more freedom, I dreamed of them to have the right to choose their destiny and to have the wisdom to make the best choice...
There had been times that I tried making those dreams come true... I fought, I tried to educate people, I stand out and gave my hand to help...
Change was there to come. We were hopeful and happy to look forward....

Yet the change... well, it came but it was not what we were looking for. The freedom was limited even more, the people did not see what was important and ... Did ya know, last week this time, Iran could not access gmail, yahoo and hotmail?

There had been a time...  but even the most optimist of all (moi) is loosing faith... even I am giving up on better future... may Lord saves us all.

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